



What is happening in Hong Kong? 

Since the beginning of June, large-scale, peaceful protests against the highly controversial extradition bill have been held weekly around Hong Kong. This extradition bill undermines Hong Kong's autonomous status under "One Country, Two Systems", and allows political refugees, foreigners, and locals alike to be extradited to China's highly corrupt, unfair and unjust juridicial system.

What do the protestors want?

  1. Complete retraction of the extradition bill
  2. Independent investigation into police brutality
  3. Immediate implementation of true universial suffrage
  4. Declassification of the characterisation 'riot' for protests
  5. Amnesty for all detained/prosecuted protestors

So why are we protesting here?

Because of unprecedented acts of violence by the police demonstrated...

  1. Police fired tear gas cannisters indoors
  2. Police shot a girl in the eye, causing her to permanently lose vision
  3. Police pretended to be protestors and planted evidence into the bags of innocent bystanders
  4. An 18-year-old protester was shot by a live police round, the bullet was only 3 cm from the heart

the proportion of violence is completely unacceptable and unprecedented.

Stand with Justice, Stand with Democracy, Stand with Hong Kong

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